Price search results for 381421 Pp Puppy Large Breed 34 

381421 Pp Puppy Large Breed 34

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381421 Pp Puppy Large Breed 34

Pro Plan Large Breed, Adult Formula is a dry dog food that has been specially formulated for bigger dogs who weigh over 50 pounds. The Large Breed Formula from Pro Plan contains guaranteed levels of EPA and natural sources of glucosamine to help support healthy joints, cartilage, and mobility in larger animals. Made with real chicken as the #1 ingredient and wholesome rice, this food is delicious to your dog and provides an easily-digestible source of carbohydrates.Feed to dogs that weigh more than 50 pounds full grown. To best protect your dog's overall health, be sure to follow the Purina Life PlanT and feed your dog to ideal body condition - it provides real, long-term health benefits.Pro Plan Large Breed, Adult Formula SupportsHealthy Joints and Mobility - Guaranteed levels of EPA, an omega-3 fatty acid, and natural sources of glucosamine.Healthy Heart - With high-quality protein along with essential vitamins and minerals.Strong Immune System - Complete nutrition with high levels of antioxidants and quality protein, including real chicken.Healthy Digestive System - With natural prebiotic fiber from whole wheat bran.Optimal Nutrient Absorption - Highly digestible formula so dogs receive optimal nutrition from food with less going to waste.Radiant Skin and Coat - With vitamin A and high-quality protein combined with linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid.Optimal Weight - An appropriate protein to fat ratio helps large breed dogs maintain an ideal body condition.Strong Teeth and Bones - Calcium, phosphorus and other minerals; hard kibble texture helps reduce plaque build-up on teeth.Exceptional Flavor - High-quality ingredients, beginning with real chicken as the #1 ingredient.IngredientsChicken, brewers rice, whole grain wheat, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, poultry by-product meal (natural source of glucosamine), corn bran, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), pearled barley, fish meal (natural source of glucosamine), animal digest, dried egg product, calcium phosphate, salt, potassium chloride, potassium citrate, L-Lysine monohydrochloride, Vitamin E supplement, choline chloride, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, ascorbic acid (source of Vitamin C), manganese sulfate, niacin, Vitamin A supplement, calcium carbonate, copper sulfate, calcium pantothenate, garlic oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, Vitamin B-12 supplement, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin supplement, calcium iodate, Vitamin D-3 supplement, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), folic acid, biotin, sodium selenite.Item Weight -34 lbs.

SKU: 381421

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381421 Pp Puppy Large Breed 34 Prices

The best price found is $108.24 from Unbeatable Sale.

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Unbeatable Sale 381421 Pp Puppy Large Breed 34 $108.24 Visit Store

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